Research Services

If you are looking for help with historic research I can help. I have extensive experience researching:

    • family history
    • the history homes
    • the history and work of architects
    • specific historical information

Much of my research is obtained from a wide variety of sources – historic files, books; past publications (magazines, journals and papers); newspaper archives; local sources; and the internet.

The first hour of research is free; after that it is $60 per hour.

Writing Services

I’m a professional writer, ready to help with all your copywriting needs. I create content for:

    • marketing material
    • brand messaging
    • social media
    • presentation pieces
    • articles
    • campaign material
    • historic write ups
    • press releases
    • blog posts
    • websites.

I write in an approachable and familiar style that works well for businesses, organizations, and individuals.

Clients and Publications

Clients include:

    • Higbie Maxon Agney Realtors – over 500 blog posts published.
    • Schaap Art Center
    • University Liggett School
    • Jim Verney – historic write up/family history
    • Heather Ulku – campaign material
    • Cleland Collaborative Solutions
    • Medical Behavioral Health Solutions


Grand Estates of Grosse Pointe  – Author (published April 2020)

The Art of Collaboration & Innovation, Albert Kahn Associates – Guest Author (published July 2022)

Working with me

I will help you find the words that work for you, your business, and your organization.

My style is based on asking questions and providing ideas. I have established a strong reputation as a trusted partner rather than just another supplier, clients value my experience to handle all their writing needs and my ability to make a difference to everyone I work with.

Treat me as part of your team – I’m here to help

Why use a professional writer?

Good communication is fundamental to success. Words reflect who you are, represent your brand, establish your personality, and convey your vision. Words also help you stand out from the crowd, define how we present ourselves, and how we appear to others.

To cut a long story short, you need to have the right words presented in the right tone – first impressions count.

I can help you to tell your story and help you with all your copywriting needs.

How much does good copywriting cost?

Asking how much copywriting costs is a reasonable question with a reasonable answer – The cost of hiring a copywriting (just like any other creative service) varies depending on numerous factors, such as:

  1. What you need me to do
  2. How much information you provide me with
  3. How much research I need to do
  4. How quickly you need me to deliver the work
  5. How many edits you may require.