
Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Grosse Pointe Blvd

Grosse Pointe Blvd is a fascinating road. It is one of the widest…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 180 Lewiston

This post isn’t so much about the house, but more about the…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – The Tennis House

Let's turn our attention to a rather iconic building located…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 16109 E. Jefferson

One of the oldest homes in Grosse Pointe is Wardwell House, located…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 16004 E. Jefferson

Let's step back to 1907, and explore one of E. Jefferson’s…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 15324 Windmill Pointe

I am a big fan of the French architectural approach, so let's…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 270 Grosse Pointe Blvd

Let's turn our attention to one of Grosse Pointes modern homes,…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 21 Colonial Road

Grosse Pointe has been home to many nationally noted artists,…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 166 Ridge Road

We stay in Grosse Pointe Farms and head to one of the stunning…

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 40 Sunningdale Drive

We turn our attention to another significant period of transformation,…