Entries by Katie Doelle

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – An Exploration – Part 3: Westchester 2nd block

Having previewed the myriad of architectural styles on display on the 1st block of Westchester we continue our journey down the street as we explore the 2nd block – between Fairfax and Exeter. Many residences on the first block were created during the golden era of the 1920’s, however the homes on the second block […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – An Exploration – Part 2: Westchester 1st block

Continuing with our exploration of individual streets in Grosse Pointe, we now turn our attention to Grosse Park and the sunny street of Westchester with its eclectic mix of homes. Having recently previewed the houses on several prominent roads in Grosse Pointe Farms and the first block of Roslyn Road in Grosse Pointe Shores, we […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – A Home Fit for an Architect

Having profiled the work of architect Leonard B. Willeke, and the highs and lows of his career, we wanted to conclude our research on this superb architect by profiling the two homes he created for himself – 1100 Berkshire and 1142 Bishop. The year is 1922 and Willeke is in the midst of completing his […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – An Exploration – Part 1: Roslyn Road

One of the more intriguing things about living in Grosse Pointe is the array of architectural styles that are visible on every street in the community. There are the older homes, and the more modern residences, homes created by some of the states leading architects, properties with architectural significance, and the homes that may not […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Welcome to Kenwood Road – the Designers’ Collection: Part 2

After recently profiling the first block of Kenwood Road – ‘the Designers’ Collection: Part 1’ – we continue with our exploration of this roads stunning homes. Having presented the French inspired residences designed by Raymond Carey – numbers 51 and 100 – we continue this trend with a look at the work of D. Allen […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Welcome to Kenwood Road – The Designers’ Collection: Part 1

Throughout our series of blog posts we regularly focus on the history of specific homes, profile individual designers and explore interesting roads. This week we focus on the latter with an exploration of the first block of Kenwood Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, and its designer’s collection of beautifully crafted houses. There are many roads in […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – The house that Burrowes built – 34 Beverly Road

Once upon a time, not so long a go a small road in Grosse Pointe Farms was visited by several of Detroit’s leading designer’s of the early 20th century. The road, a pretty cul-de-sac, looks rather normal from the outside, but on closer inspection there are many exciting things to see. Beverly Road is one […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe –Leonard B. Willeke – A Career of Highs and Lows – Part 2: Coming Back

Part two of the Leonard Willeke story, a career of highs and lows, continues with the architect’s career in 1930 – the financial devastation Willeke suffered from the Great Depression, and how he reestablished his career. The 1930’s Having experienced the ultimate high, during the 1920’s, of working with clients such as Henry and Edsel […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe –Leonard B. Willeke – A Career of Highs and Lows – Part 1: Balfour

Leonard B. Willeke – architect, designer, landscape artist, product, and furniture designer. A genius of his time and yet a man who has only received the credit he deserves within the last 30 years. The majority of the noted and prominent architects who worked in and around Metro Detroit from 1910 onwards have received endless plaudits […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Stephens Road

As you travel around Grosse Pointe it becomes apparent that not all roads are the same. Grosse Pointe may have once been a heavily wooded farming community, with primarily flat land, but on closer inspection there are exceptions to the rule. In Grosse Pointe Farms a major change in the landscape occurs. From Lewiston to […]