Entries by Katie Doelle

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – the John M. Dwyer house – 372 Lakeland.

Last week we introduced you to English architect Raymond Carey and his magnificent Georgian Homes around Grosse Pointe. One house in particular, 372 Lakeland caused quite the debate. There was a discussion that Carey might not have been the architect after all and the design of the home should be attributed to George Hunt Ingraham, […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – An Englishman in Grosse Pointe – Raymond Carey

Raymond Carey was a prominent architect in Grosse Pointe Farms, designing many luxurious homes during the era of substantial growth in the community. His name however is probably alien to many people. Raymond Marwood-Elton Carey was born in England in 1883, he grew up in Bath surrounded by some of the finest examples of Georgian […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – A Turn of the Century Classic – 71 Lake Shore

As with all forms of art it is always good to remind ourselves of the classics – a Jane Austen novel, a play by Molière, a painting by Constable or a turn of the century summer cottage on Lake Shore. The last remaining summer cottages on Lake Shore are few and far between, but a […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Albert Kahn’s Hidden Gem – 1017 Lake Shore

When we think of Albert Kahn’s work in Grosse Pointe we naturally gravitate towards his large-scale projects, such as the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, 257 Ridge Road, the Grosse Pointe Shores Municipal Building and 880 Lake Shore (to name but a few). However, when you reach the corner of Lake Shore, by the Ford […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – The Albert Kahn Houses of Ridge Road

During his amazing career Albert Kahn designed around 400 buildings in Metro Detroit, and at least 20 in Grosse Pointe. Two of which are on the same street.* The Albert Kahn houses of Ridge Road are within walking distance of each other, located at 273 and 257. Both are equally striking, constructed within a year […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 745 Balfour – a house full of stories

Nestled in the middle of Balfour, is house number 745, and like many homes in Grosse Pointe it has an interesting tale to tell. For behind the attractive, understated exterior is the interior of one of Metro Detroit’s most outstanding homes, and a house full of stories. The Beginning: The story begins with its construction […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Architect – J. Ivan Dise

During the era of substantial growth in Grosse Pointe many of the residences that were constructed were designed by the leading architects of the time, including Albert Kahn, Robert O’Derrick, William B. Stratton, and Marcus Burrowes. Several of these designers remain household names within Metro Detroit. However, what about the architects who were prominent at […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Welcome to Middlesex, the most interesting street in Grosse Pointe?

When it comes to finding the most interesting street in Grosse Pointe there are several that lay claim to the prize. There is the historic district of Beverly Road, the architectural gems on Kenwood and Cloverly with homes designed by some of the most prominent architects to work in Grosse Pointe. The historical homes on […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Architect – Alden B. Dow.

We couldn’t cover the modern homes of Grosse Pointe without featuring the work of Michigan’s most prominent modernist architect Alden B. Dow. He designed more than 70 residences, along with dozens of churches, schools, civic centers, and commercial buildings. His home in Midland made the 2014 list of “The Top 25 Best Historic Homes in […]