Entries by Katie Doelle

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 251 Lincoln Road, also known as “Edgeroad”

Lets take a look at the work of noted Detroit architect Louis Kamper and one of his residential projects – 251 Lincoln Road, also known as “Edgeroad” or the Murray W. Sales House. Louis Kamper was born in Bavaria, Germany in 1861. He emigrated to the U.S. with his family in 1880 and upon his […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Grosse Pointe Farms and the Roaring 20’s – Part 2: Popular Architectural Styles.

The 1920’s in Grosse Pointe Farms (GPF) were a time of change, prosperity, and architectural transformation. It was a golden era for the area in terms of the prominent architects who were being asked to commission homes in the community. Their work was becoming just as important as the families who were hiring them and […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – Grosse Pointe Farms and the Roaring 20’s – Part 1: the architects.

The roaring 20’s..boom time for many cities in America and a Golden Era of Architectural significance in Grosse Pointe Farms. During the first two decades of the 20th century and during the period after WW1 Grosse Pointe Farms had transformed itself from a rural, recreational community to an exclusive suburb in Southeast Michigan. The area, […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – 22 Webber Place, aka “Oscar Webber Mansion”.

This work of art still stands today at 22 Webber Place and was the home to Oscar Webber until 1946. The Webber Mansion was the largest residential commission of architect Leonard B. Willeke’s distinguished career. Having moved from Cincinnati to Detroit in 1914, Willeke maintained a prestigious practice in Detroit.  He was a skilled designer […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – David C. Whitney house, aka “Ridgemont”.

At the beginning of the twentieth the architects who were commissioned to create the great homes in Grosse Pointe were becoming just as important as the men who were hiring them. The ‘era of the mansions’ had brought some of the nations most noted architects to the community – Albert Kahn, Charles A Platt, Robert […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club.

Those of us who drive Lake Shore on a regular basis always enjoy the sight of the GPYC. Even from Lake Shore Road, one can’t help marveling at the clubhouse with its imposing Venetian architecture and soaring187-foot bell tower — especially on a foggy day when the tip of the steeple pokes above the mist […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – F. Caldwell Walker House, aka the Vendome Mansion.

We have so enjoyed covering the work of notable architect Robert O. Derrick we thought we would cover one more of his projects – the F. Caldwell Walker House, also known as the Vendome Mansion. Having lived in Grosse Pointe for a number of years Robert O.Derrick had become a prominent figure and his buildings […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe – the Punch and Judy Theater, Grosse Pointe Farms.

After covering several projects by architect Robert O. Derrick – lets take a look at another of his prominent creations – the Punch and Judy Theater. Residential architect and designer of the Henry Ford Museum Robert O. Derrick was becoming a prominent architect in Grosse Pointe, having designed the ‘Little Club” (1923) and “Bellmoor”, 15420 […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe –50 Lake Shore Drive, also known as “Edgemere”.

Edgemere, one of the first grand year-round homes in Grosse Pointe and home to Joseph Berry in 1882. Joseph Berry was a prominent figure in the Grosse Pointe community in the late nineteenth century. As a teenager he had moved with his family from Richmond, VA to Detroit in 1855. At the age of sixteen […]

Historical Architecture of Grosse Pointe –78 Lake Shore, also known as the “Dwyer/Palms House”.

Lets take a look at a prolific and versatile Grosse Pointe architect, Hugh T. Keyes and his work at 78 Lake Shore. Hugh Tallman Keyes was a noted early 20th century architect. His work centered on creating grand estates for the industrialists of Metropolitan Detroit (clients included Ford, Bugas and Mennen) and he is considered […]